Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bamboo Blitz M. I. A.....

I know, I 've been the crappiest blogger ever lately!! I do assure all of you that I'm still alive and kicking in the blog world, however I've been swamped with what seems like a bazillion moving parts all moving at once--settling into a brand new house, re-adjusting back into the good ol' island life, searching for a new job, and other demanding family obligations...

But now that I've finally gotten my crap together, I will honestly start pumping out some new and (hopefully) interesting blog material. And of course, I look forward to catching up on all of your awesome blogs...


Anonymous said...

Wow, dude. Tis has been a long time. Still in Canada? Anyway... Got a couple of new stuff for you.


And my wife started up one...


Hope you're enjoying the new home!


Hey buddy! Right on, I'll make sure to make my way over to both of those sites! And I hope you're having an awesome summer so far :)

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I used to friggin love this game as a kid!! You have to play at least one game!