Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Video Cop-out: Awesome Frou Frou Acapella Cover

I stumbled upon this acapella cover of Frou Frou's "Let Go" and I was completely blown away.

"Let Go" Acapella cover


Divinyl said...

You're right, that really is good! Not sure about the 'dancing but it sounds great! I LOVE Imogen Heap (both with Frou Frou and solo).

Have you seen this fab video?:


She did this when I saw her live (the video is not of the same performance though!) and it was stunning! xx


Yeah, the dancing is definitely lame but their voices even resemble the instrumental sample on the track which is pretty cool...

I'm a big fan of Imogen Heap too-she has an amazing voice/style and I will definitely check out your vid recommendation.

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I used to friggin love this game as a kid!! You have to play at least one game!